I haven't done a what's in my bag post in years! That's partially due to the fact that for the majority of last year I was looking for a new bag. I tend to be super picky about bags so it takes me forever to find a good one. Last November/December I finally found one I liked on ASOS and did the damn thing. So here's a brand new updated what's in my bag post!
1. My bag: I'm really picky when it comes to bags. I've become accustomed to a crossbody so that is a must and I'm also drawn to texture. My first real purse had a snakeskin print and this bag and my wallet have a faux crocodile print that I love (if you hadn't noticed). Anyway I had been looking for a good bag for months and then found this one on ASOS. After a little hemming and hawing over whether or not the color was too much I bit the bullet and bought it. I really like and it was pretty affordable but unfortunately I don't think it's on the website anymore.
2. Wallet: My dear old wallet was on its last legs, so a few weeks ago I put it out of it's misery and got this wallet from Target. My old wallet was flat, so this one takes up more room but it has the texture and gold detail that I'm apparently really into right now.
3. My phone and my sweet sonix case: It took me forever to find a case I liked but I'm obsessed with this one from sonix that has the image of fern wallpaper from the Beverly Hills Hotel.
4-5. Contact solution and Case: I like to have these with me for those days when I wear contacts. It's nice to know I have solution and a contact case if my eyes get super irritated and those babies need to come out.
6. Nail Clippers: I clipped my toenails last week and somehow these got into my purse. I don't usually carry these around.
7. Ricola: Remnants from my Valentine's week cold.
8. Pills: The white one is actually a prescription the other one is generic motrin that I stuck in there lazily instead of putting a few in a smaller container.
9. Inhalers: I have Asthma
10. Pill case with a few Pills in it: Stolen from my mom...
11. Nasal Spray: Allergies. Spring. Prepared.
12. Tweezers: To keep those brows in check.
13. Work ID: Easiest place to keep it.
14. Perfume Samples from Sephora: Just in case?
15. Pen and a Highlighter: Not sure why I have a highlighter in there.
16. Pick: To properly fluff my hair when needed.
17. Wine glass charm things: Got in a goody bag from my friend's Christmas party, should probably find a place for them.
18-21. Eyeliner
Lip gloss/ Chubby sticks
I rarely wear much makeup but for some reason I have a ton in my purse.
22. Stir Stick thing from recent trip to Betty Danger's: Because it's cool.
23. Cable to connect iPhone to my car and extended lightening adapter: Necessities.
24. Quarters and yee old Hunger Games ticket stub: Because I'm bad at cleaning out my purse.
25. Chapstick: You can never have too much chapstick.
26. Work Schedules: Most convenient place for me to keep them at the moment.
27. Earrings that are still in my bag from Valentines Day: Because I'm Lazy.
28. Coin Purse: This actually came with all those chapsticks and you're supposed to put them all in there but I use it for loose change aka quarter storage.