Monday, June 11, 2012

June Photo-A-Day weekly roundup

As mentioned before after my initial post I was just too busy/unmotivated to post  a picture to this dear old blog everyday. So I'm gonna do a weekly round up until the end of the month. Since it's my first roundup I decided to add the first photo that I already posted. So here's week one of the June Photo-A-Day challenge:

1. Morning
Oliver in the morning

2. Empty

This is an old 50's cart we got at an Estate Sale a long time ago that my mom is sick of so it's movie up to my room as a temporary pyrex display shelf.
3. On Your Plate

4.  Close Up
Close up of my "Z" shaped birthmark
5. Sign.
Very blurry picture of the Greyhound Bus station sign near my mom's work. I suck at taking non blurry photos with the night setting on my camera. The light thing above it is the top of Target HQ.
6. Hat.
My Panama Ecuadorian Hat. Panama hats are actually from Ecuador. I got this hat in Cuenca, Ecuador  during my semester abroad there a couple years ago. At some point I will wear this in an Outfit post, I'm not much of a hat person.

7. Drink
Pink lemonade in a pink cup

8. Six O'clock
watching a little of the Swedish version of The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest.

9. Your View Today
my backyard

10. Best Bit of Your Weekend
enjoying the nice weather outside

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