Tang and my shoes |
Blazer & Belt: Target Shirt: Old Navy Skirt: Thrift Shoes: DSW
Sorry for this slightly delayed post, I wore this and couple other outfits the last few weeks and took pictures this weekend but we changed internet providers and had a mini lapse in internet for few days. Anyway we're back up and running and I have a bunch of skirt challenge outfits to post and will hopefully be wrapping up this challenge soon.
On to the clothes! I wore this outfit to get up really early on a Saturday and try and get some amazing things at the final day of an estate sale. I totally lucked out and got all the pieces I wanted, about eight things for $40 bucks, all of which I'll show you in an up coming A Sale-ing We Shall Go. Most of this outfit I've had for a really long time. The blazer I think I've had for roughly five years and never really worn. I've never really been much of a blazer person, I think they look amazing on a lot of people and can really pull an outfit together but I've just never really gravitated towards them. I bought this one because I'm an avid What Not to Wear fan and Stacy and Clinton always praise a good blazer. Anyway I think I may be a convert now, I really like how the blazer pulled together the outfit and I think i'll have to start giving them more of a chance. The skirt was originally an 80's dress I got at Savers a couple years ago in a very last minute decision. I liked the color and pattern so I just decided to get it. When I got home I tried to twerk it and make it work as a dress but it just wasn't cutting it, so a year or so ago I cut my losses and made it into a skirt. I think I made the right decision. It's a lot more versitle as a skirt and I really like it. The only slight downfall is it's kinda sheer. It could probably use a slip but the only one I have is really long so I just wore it as is, I figure I don't really care if in the right sunlight you can kinda see the outline of my hips.
Anyway you may have noticed a little furry friend at the bottom of a few of the pictures, that's one of the two cats behind Black Cat Lies, my fur baby Tang. Usually when i'm taking pictures she wonders what the hell i'm doing and comes over to meow at me and rub against my legs. As you can see she's not a black cat but she's adorable so you can't really complain too much. The other cat behind BCL is Diamond who isn't really a black cat, she's a torise shell, but she's mostly black so just go with it. You'll probably see more Tang pictures in the future since I can't resist a gratuitous cute cat picture and she always seems to be following me around when I take outfit pictures You probably wont see as much of Diamond, she's not as much of a ham but i'll try and post pictures of her too.